The first Oren Chapter event of 2024 marked ‘a changing of the guard’ as most of the long‑serving members of the Board were retiring after a combined total of over a 100 years volunteering for Hadassah-Israel! The outgoing President, Lee Freeman, gave each of them her personal thanks and highlighted the individual contributions over many years of Past Presidents - Susan Rosenberg, Barbara Fox and Leah Shavit, as well as Board Members - Zyta Eliyahu, Marilyn Dori, Valerie Serkes, Dian Bymel, Sylvia Smetana and Janet Kamil.

We were delighted to welcome Ellen Shemesh (H-I Senior Vice President) and Roni Kohanim, (H-I Vice President for English-Speaking Chapters). Ellen conducted the Installation Ceremony for the new Board, which will be led by Jane Bouchard (Chapter President) and her team of Elisa Jacobs, Eileen Martell and Lee Freeman (Past President).

JCert for Sam Bevans h300ane delivered a ‘Message of Thanks’ to Lee and the Chapter from the H-I National President, Rivkah Cooper and ‘Certificates of Recognition’ were presented by Ellen and Roni to Marilyn Dori and Zyta Eliyahu (represented by her daughter, Sandra Eliyahu-Arad)

The Ceremony was followed by a very interesting talk by the guest speaker, Sam Bevans (Elisa’s son), who introduced us to the family’s ‘not-for-profit’, The Tiffany Project and  its educational programmes both in Israel and overseas.

The event, held in the Freemans’ home, was well attended and concluded with a generous brunch contributed by members of the outgoing Board.


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